
A Little Late...

So, here I am at 6.5 months (26 weeks). I had my 27-week checkup this past Monday and all is still well! I had to drink some fun, fruity juice so they could test me for gestational diabetes. Everyone kept telling me that it would taste like Hawaiian Punch but I had my doubts. Especially since the last experience I had with medicinal liquids left me cringing at any thought of cherry-flavored, well, anything! But, I was pleasantly surprised. It really did taste like a watered-down Hawaiian Punch. Thanks, Tina, for the fruit punch tip...

Oh, I've not heard anything about my diabetes test results but my nurse pretty much told me that no news is good news. So, I'm taking this as good news.


Melanie said...

You're looking good, girlie girl. I remember that "drink" tasting like an Orange Crush. I thought it was pretty tasty. I remember the "other" drink you had to take. I felt so bad for you! I love seeing the preggers pics. I didn't do that with Mallory but I'm planning on doing it with this little 'un. I feel like I'd just be photographing pudge right now, but I guess I'll start around 3 months...that's next week! Aaack!

Anonymous said...

This is just so cool being able to inter-act w/you and Michael Dean in this manner. Actually makes being pregnant (from a grandmother prospective)fun. Even tho I can't hold him, cuddle him or love on him he is just so much more REAL with this site you have created. I love you soooooo much and as I have said many, many times I am so blessed GOD gave you to me for safekeeping. Now HE is giving me another little angel. How blessed am I......Luv ya sweet one, MOM