
Halfway There!

I had my 20-week checkup yesterday and all is well! We heard our little guy's heartbeat again. Fast as usual. He was moving around a lot. The little doppler device our doctor uses to hear his heartbeat picked up a lot of high-pitched movement. He kinda sounded like a little dolphin in there.

I have been feeling him move a bit. It's random but I'm pretty sure it's him. When he moves, I translate that as him telling me to feed him some more M&M's. So I do. But, my doctor nicely warned me that I need to be "careful" with my weight as I've gained a little over the recommended 10 pounds at this point. I guess my 12 salads a day haven't been paying off. Oh well, thank you God for making me tall :)

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I'm glad to hear all is well at 20 weeks. I loved going into the dr appts so I could hear Mallory's heart beat. What a beautiful sound it was!!!

Girl, don't worry about the weight gain. If you only had gained 10 pounds at this point, I'd wonder if you were OK!!! My dr told me a pound a week was good...too bad my pregnancy wasn't 55 weeks! :-) Anyway, I can't wait to see another pic of the baby bump!!! I'm excited for you!