
Week 24 and Counting...

So, yesterday I visited many doctors! I first had my 24-week check-up and all is well. We heard MD's heartbeat and it was quite fast. He must be a busy little guy in there.

I then had to pay a visit to my dentist. See, my good friend Tina gave me a really hard piece of Altoids chewing gum on Sunday and it split my top, left molar right in 2. Well, actually the piece of gum wasn't really that hard...my teeth are just freakishly soft. It's been a curse of mine for like my whole life so it really didn't surprise me too much when I bit down on a piece of my tooth right in the middle of praise and worship.

No pain yet but I'm just waiting, holding my breath. My dentist definitely thought we shouldn't ignore it so he's going to crown me in April. Yeah. But, hey, I'll get a nice, shiny, white-ish tooth out of the deal! Score.


Melanie said...

You're over half-way there, girly. I'm glad that MD's doing well! Just wait until the OB starts measuring your belly...I always loved when I learned I grew a few inches :-)

Sorry to hear about the tooth. That really bites. *snort* I hope that the pain won't hit you at all!!!

Love ya!

Courtney said...

Bum, bum, bum... ;)

Yah, I really feel over halfway! Thank God. It's nice. The doc measured me on Tuesday but didn't really say much about it. He was kinda rushed. I didn't like him too much, but it was the 1st time I had met him too. I'll meet someone new next time.

Hope you're well also!! How you feeling??

Melanie said...

I'm feeling pregnant! I have nausea all the time and toast is pretty much the only thing that is really good. I'm tired, too, and feel like I live in the bathroom since I pee all the time! I don't miss this part of pregnancy AT ALL! I'm looking forward to Monday, when I get to see my little one in an early ultrasound. That should be exciting!!! All in all, I feel OK...just preggers!