
Madi's Walk to D'Feet ALS

Chandler, Grandpa Jeff & Madison - Easter, 2001As you all know my beautiful dad passed away 5 1/2 years ago on September 10, 2001 from a debilitating, terminal illness called ALS. (A lot of people know it as Lou Gehrig's Disease)

So, my very cool niece, who loves and misses her grandpa Jeff very much is walking in a charity event this weekend (Saturday, May 19) for ALS. Her goal is to raise $1,500 and so far she's 71% of the way there...Go Madi!

If you'd like to read what she wrote about her grandpa Jeff and/or donate, go to her web page at web.alsa.org/goto/madison.sisson.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

U go Madison,,,,Grandpa's watch'n & ah smil'n,huh?

Grandma Donna