
The Last Day...

Well, today is 7.6.07 and our little man is going to enter this world on 7.7.07. That's tomorrow...Ugh!

I've been ready for tomorrow since November and now that it's finally here the nerves are setting in...for both Donnie and me. Neither of us are sleeping too well (well, I haven't been sleeping too well for a while now...man, my belly and hips are sore!) But, we are so crazy excited to meet Michael Dean that we'll somehow make it through today, tonight and the trip to the hospital tomorrow morning.

Please keep us in your prayers as we start this next phase of our life. You know, crazy thing is Donnie and I aren't too nervous about that part. It's the hospital part that we're most nervous about! All of those unknowns (HUGE fear of mine!!)

We love you guys and the next time you hear from us on here, a lot will have changed. Oh, and the pictures will probably look a lot different, too :)


Melanie said...

You look really good, girl. It looks like you gained all your weight up front...MD looks like a basketball under your shirt! I hope tomorrow goes well and we'll be praying for ya. Can't wait to see you!

christy said...

I am so excited for you! I hope everything is going well today. And I can't wait to see pictures of you and Michael Dean.

Anonymous said...

Hey little one,
sorry we didnt call last night to let you know we were here. It was late when we got back, plus i dont think i could dial a phone! Thank you for taking time out of your schd. to be with us. You and Donnie did a beutiful job with my nephew. Tell Donnie I really enjoyed our mail bonding time as well as our B & S time. I L U all. We will talk soon. Take Care of each other.