
Look, Dad...No, I mean 2 Hands

Hi Daddy! I really miss you. Well, mom, Mila and Monkey miss you too, but I'm the only one that mommy takes pictures of. I tried to get the camera from her so I could take a picture of her but she wouldn't let me. I'll try again tomorrow.

Aren't you so proud of me, daddy? I got some juice out of my sippy cup all by myself! I used both hands and everything. Come home soon, daddy. I love you. And, of course, mommy does too...


Merissa said...

Yay for MD! He's holding that cup great! OK can I just say once again that he is soooo cute!!!! He could definitely win a baby contest! :)

Merissa said...

Oh, and Donnie needs to go away more often cause I'm liking all these blog entries! (JK Donnie)