
My First Addiction...

...well, if you don't count Chapstick!

See, Michael Dean got a nasty cold last week and was pitiful for only a few days. But, he was sweet enough to pass it along to BOTH Donnie and me. We were both sick by Thursday of last week. Donnie's was more of a sore throat, sinus thing - where mine seemed to just be your standard cold.

So, Donnie headed out to the store Sunday for supplies (medicine, non-saline nasal spray, Puffs Plus, and 3 family-size pastries - for "comfort food"). He came home and immediately used the nasal spray and said it worked great. So, that night - being desperate for a good night's sleep - I tried his nasal spray. Oh my gosh, it worked immediately and I could breathe again, for the first time in about 4 days. I thought, "Wow, this is my ticket out of this nasty mess." I had a great night's sleep and woke up only once to refill my stuffed-up nose and head back to a great night's sleep again.

I kept up with the spray Monday because it just worked so dang good. We had some friends over for dinner Monday night and I could barely eat because I couldn't breathe. I kept running to the bathroom and blowing my nose as hard as I could (making me not hear, of course) - so I could breathe.

While trying my best to hold a conversation with BOTH sides of my nose completely stopped (that's really hard to do!) - we got on the topic of nasal spray and how it's addictive. Brandon, one of our dinner guests, said he had gotten addicted to nasal spray before and could only breathe well WHEN he used it. Ugh!! Could it be? After only 2 days, was I addicted??

Who knows... All I know is that I've not used that spray in a day and I am really struggling to breathe. I'm shooting saline spray like it's water, in hopes it will help some. I guess I'm just going through withdrawls and I have to push my way through this :)

So, beware of nasal spray - I think.


Anonymous said...

O.K. you left out it started w/NaNa being given "LIL MAN's" stuff on Thursday then it just sortta hit the toilet (pun on words) from there. NaNa had it for about 3 days but seems to being weathering pretty well now. MD is running around the house letting me know where everything is and if it's not where "he" thinks it should be, he has no problem re-arranging it to "his" liking.

Regarding the Nasal Spray, yes it is very addictive. When Bob (my son) was a baby I became addicted due to not being able to breath and I didn't think I would ever get off it. Actually went to the doctor who informed me it was a medical substance you didn't want to become dependent on.

Anyway that's my 2 cents worth. Luv ya, Nana

Jen B said...

My mom, too, got addicted to it when I was a child. I've always been very cautious about it, because of that. I did use it about a year ago when I seriously couldn't breathe one night, but I made myself only use it that once. After that, I just dealt with some discomfort. I think the key is only using it that first time if you're absolutely desperate, but then not using it again.

Merissa said...

Wow, I didn't know that about nasal spray- good to know!

meghann said...

hey there! hope you are doing well! it's been a little crazy round here getting ready for the baby and all:)
just wanted to say hello!!!!