
On a More Serious Note

A sweet, dear friend of mine, her husband and their pets have been evacuated from their house - due to all the heavy rains we had earlier this week. Their neighborhood was plagued with really bad flooding and they're now just waiting for the water to go down. As of yesterday their house was under about a foot and a half of water and they've been using a canoe to get around their house to remove whatever items they can.

The photo I've posted is not their house - but a neighbor's house. I didn't ask for permission to post on here, so I don't want to show anyone what their house looks like. Just know it looks very similar to the photo I've posted.

It's easy to sit over in my clean, dry house (not even a mile away) and feel bad for them - I just don't know what to say. Especially since they're expecting a baby in the next few months.

Anyway, I do hope there is some way we can all reach out to them. I just don't know how yet. Just please keep them in your prayers!

Here's an article from the Independent Tribune about the floods. Apparently Harrisburg was hit the worst from the rains.


Merissa said...

So sorry Mother Nature has been brutal back home!

Jen B said...

Yes, it's been crazy, hasn't it? Wednesday, I woke up to find out that school had been cancelled. I went out later in the day, and as I was pulling out of my development, I saw a fire truck go by with a big canoe on top. I later heard that a lady was pulled from her car by the swift water rescue team just down the road from where we live. Pretty crazy!

sldrye said...

That is crazy. I hate that so many people in Harrisburg are dealing with that. I will be praying for your friend.