
My First "Bye"

We pulled into the parking lot at daycare this morning and Michael Dean quickly told me he wanted to "wook". So, we made it inside the building then I let him down to walk. We used the special key to open the door and made our way down the hallway - all the while, MD is saying "Layla." (His current teacher's name is Kayla) We turned the corner and walked happily into his room. All of his little friends were sitting in their seats waiting for their snack. There was one open for MD, of course. So, I took off his jacket and asked if he wanted to go sit with his buddies. He thought that was a good idea so he started toward his seat. He then turned around to me, waved his sweet little hand and said "Bye!"

What a change, huh?


Merissa said...

awe, i'm so happy he's happier

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!! I'm so happy MD is having better days!!
