
Do You See a Theme?


Aunty P...


And the one who started it all, Michael Dean!

OK, so this doesn't fit, but it's rare we get one of these :)


Christmas #3

Michael Dean's first 2 Christmases weren't too eventful for him. He didn't really get the whole Santa/Christmas lights/Baby Jesus thing - in fact, Santa scared him pretty bad last year (not on purpose, of course.) So, when Christmas started to come around this year, I wasn't sure if MD was really going to get into it. Well, he's proving me wrong...

At the Harrisburg Tree Lighting, in our neighborhood. MD screamed for a half hour while in line to ride the "horseys." We finally got on and he finally stopped crying. The little guy just couldn't understand why everyone else was getting on the trailer, but him. (Yah, that wasn't stressful for mom, at all!)

MD and Conner P at the North Pole. (We met up with our good friends, Sean, Marianne and their little boy, Conner. MD and Conner are about 3.5 months apart, so they had a lot to talk about...)

MD wanted to pose in front of the truck. Seriously. He asked me take this picture of him :)

I tell ya, the boy is getting to where he loves posing for the camera. Hmmm...

MUCH better than last year. When I asked MD to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas, he said "candy cane!" So, Santa worked pretty quickly on that request. His shopping is now done for Michael Dean.