
Michael Dean's Hospital Adventures

So many pictures, so little time! I'd like to share with you guys some of our hospital adventures...

For my first stay in a hospital, it went quite well. There's definitely not enough space (or interest!) here to share everything so I'll let the pics do the talking.

Basically, Michael's arrival was Saturday morning and we went home Tuesday afternoon around 12:30. Our time in the hospital was amazing. We took the time to get used to our little man while sending him to play with his new friends in the nursery each night so we could get some shut-eye.

We were blessed with many lovely visitors who showered us with gifts and MD with kisses. Oh, and the food wasn't that bad either.

Donnie getting a little "good-bed" time since most of his time was spent on a couple of cardboard boxes they called a "chair/bed"

Dr. Jones, the man who pulled Michael Dean into this world (Oh, and the best doctor ever)

Happy Birthday, Michael!

Our little bunny

Finally going home...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Donnie & Courtney,
Congratulations on the arrival of Michael Dean!!! He's beautiful!
Must take after his momma....!!!!
If I had remembered he was being delivered last Saturday, we would have came by the hospital - we passed through Charlotte around 7:00pm (I think) that day. We were on our way home from 6 days vacation at Hilton Head..(with Earl & Alice). I thought of you guys when we came by but had no idea it was delivery day.
Enjoy your wonderful son!! You will be wonderful parents!
Again Congratulations.....
Love Linda