
1 Week @ Home!

Well, we took the plunge and decided to leave our comfy nest at the hospital and come home. A bit scary (at first) but we've settled in quite nicely.

Michael likes his new bed (pack 'n play for now) and swing and bouncy seat and car seat. He's a pretty easy-going baby (so far). Thank God! He's eating great and (hopefully) growing. We have his 2-week checkup on Friday and we'll find out if he's fattening back up! (He started at 9lbs 3oz and went down to 8lbs 6oz when we left the hospital.)

He's just beautiful and we are enjoying him so much. Wow, amazing how you can care so much for someone you've barely known for a week. (Well, for me...a little over 9 months!)

Some more pics (of course)...

Ready for bed...and wide awake!

In Grandma Donna's fingers

Mila giving her baby brother kisses

Holding onto Grandpa Fred

Fast asleep


christy said...

He's just adorable. Glad to hear things are going well at home!

Melanie said...

Cutie Patootie! I'm so glad things are going well. The pics of him are just great and I'm glad to hear that feeding is considered "great"; for a lot of moms, feeding time can be frustrating.

I hope you're getting some rest, too. Love ya, hon!

Merissa said...

I'm thinking he needs his auntie Merissa- we'll be coming to Concord soon and I can't wait to see ALL of you! Can you please put some more recent pics on your blog-I've got to be updated!

Jenny said...

Wow, Courtney... he is so beautiful!!! And I'm not just saying that; he truly is! I hope you are feeling okay and getting at least SOME sleep. Don't forget to take care of you too!

Anonymous said...

O.K. Michael Dean,,as you know this past wk-end 7/20 thru 7/24 has been rather hectic, however, you were GREAT & definitely the Master of the Ball. Your Uncle Bob, Aunt Maureen and Cousin Christi just fell in love w/u. I only had to remove you from their bags twice before I took them to the airport. Now, you just kick back, rest and enjoy those adoring parents GOD gave you and grow, grow, grow! ,,,,Oh btw you look so sweet sleeping in your crib at Grandma's. You truly are a GIFT from GOD......Luv ya, Grandma Donna