
Camo Kid

So, this pic is a few weeks old (and I know this because this outfit barely fits Michael Dean now!) but I just had to post it. How cute is he? One of my old co-workers bought this for MD and it quickly became one of my favorite outfits. I waited too long to get him in it, though, because when I took the skull cap off he had red lines on his forehead. Oops. No wonder he was crying with it on...

And...I'm back to work Tuesday, 1 day before I turn the big 3-0. Honestly, there's a part of me that is ready to start up that part of my life again but then there's another part of me that's going to miss my sweet little man horribly. G-ma will have him the 3 days I'm at work, though, so it softens the blow a bit. Anyway, wish us both luck...especially for me to stay awake during my 3-hour (OK, 45 minutes) long commute and for MD to continue sleeping 8 hours a night...the 2 kinda go together!

1 comment:

Merissa said...

The camo outfit is too cute! I'll be thinking of you guys on Tuesday!