
Introducing...Rice Cereal!

So, Michael Dean is 2 days away from being 4 months old and eats like a college frat guy so we decided to start rice cereal a little early. Today was day #3 and I don't think he's swallowed any yet! I scoop a little in his mouth and it just sits there. It doesn't really come out but it doesn't really go in either. I think I maybe got a swallow or 2 today so we're getting there...fun times!


"I'll eat off the spoon for you, mom!" says Mila


Merissa said...

Girl, you came back with a bang on your picture posting! LOVE IT! MD looks like he's totally blonde- is he?

Courtney said...

Well, I'm clicking the camera all the time but I just don't have the time to download and fix them all. So, when I do, I try to do as much as I can. Oh and yes, he's very blonde. I keep tricking myself that some of it's red. But it's really blonde...