
'07 Holiday Recap

So, first of all, Happy New Year! 1 day down, 364 to go. Yup, it's a leap year. That means my mom gets to have a birthday...

Our Christmas festivities were crazy as usual - ate too much food; laughed at too many people, I mean jokes; took too many car trips; clicked too many pictures; ate too many sweets (hello again baby fat); and had too much fun! Gosh, I love Christmas time.

Michael Dean did great, for the most part. I think he's turning into a baby who likes his peace and quiet. Well, at least peace and quiet around him. He definitely makes himself known with screams and yells :) By the time we headed home on Christmas night, he was done. He was ready to get home to his bed. Didn't open his eyes once from grandma's house - to his car seat - to his bed. What a sweetie!

So, here it goes - all the pics! Enjoy...

> Christmas Eve at our House:

> Christmas Morning at Mimi and Papa's House:

> Christmas Day at Grams and Gramps' House:
(OK, so my big brother Bob and his family weren't there but they sent us pics of their Christmas!)

1 comment:

Merissa said...

All the fam looks great!