
The Harrisburg Egg "Flop"

Being a first-time parent (or just a parent) makes you do crazy things, I guess.

I (and Tina) had been seeing signs for Harrisburg's Egg Drop for a while and thought it would be a lot of fun to take MD (and Blake) to. So, despite the continual forecasting of rain and Donnie's many hints (ignored by me!) about rain, we loaded up the family and made the half-mile trek to the Egg Drop. We parked about 2 feet from our house and began the long walk to the park.

Well, after running people over with our stroller, getting pelted by grass and dirt from the helicopter droppings, fighting other kids...I mean parents for eggs, and reassuring Michael Dean that the helicopter wasn't going to get him, we got ONE EGG! Most kids...I mean parents didn't heed the 5-egg limit warning so someone threw back one lonely purple egg and Grams snatched it up.

It really was a lot of fun because it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience (mainly because we'll never be stupid enough to do it again!) and MD experienced a lot of firsts...a loud helicopter, eating dead grass and a plastic egg, being outside during a thunderstorm and getting jostled around on Fred's drenched shoulder. Good times.

MD's One, Purple Egg

Happy Family Photo (before the rain and thunderstorms)

Double Trouble

Double Trouble X 2


Merissa said...

I'm not so sure that sounds like fun! :) But I am pretty sure I'm a bit jealous that you and Tina get to hang out with your boys together! No, really, I'm glad you guys have each other- us mom's need support!

Courtney said...

I was thinking the same thing. Wish you were here. But, hey, check out the Carolina jacket! That was the one and only time he wore it. It was too small zipped up. Oh well! At least he wore it once... :)