
So Far So Good...

Well, we made it through yesterday, with mommy's eyes glued to the clock. I called Shannon only 3 times! She told me I could call more but I have to set my limits, ya know. MD was a trooper. He took 2 good naps, ate his food and was entertained by 2 little 3-year old girls all day. Besides mommy missing him horribly, all-in-all, a success.

He was wiped out, though, when I picked him up so he sacked out in the car. He slept about 20 minutes more after we got home so when he woke up he was sporting this great hairstyle.

This was MD on mommy's last Friday at home with him...making sure I smiled. I did.


Merissa said...

So glad it went good! Ahh, I love those big blue eyes!

Melanie said...

I was wondering how your first week back full time was...I'm glad to hear that you made it through. MD looks like he had a great time! :-)