

Michael Dean,

One year ago our eyes finally met. You were so perfect and beautiful. Your cry was so deep and sweet. You were so big and already so strong. You fit perfectly into my arms. I didn't know it then, but I was hooked.

You've been such a blessing. For one year I've been able to hold you, rock you, feed you, kiss you, bathe you, dress you, play with you, sooth you and love on you. Before you, I didn't know how to do any of those things for a little baby. You taught me everything I know and I thank God every night for you.

I didn't know I wanted you until I had you. And now, you're everything I want.

I love you, my sweet son - Mommy


Melanie said...

I know this is a special day for you. I never understood how important a child's birthday is to his/her mother until I became a mom. The birth day of my children is an expecially important day for me as I look back on the events surrounding their birth and how my life changed forever. Though I want to wish MD a happy birthday, I hope that you cherish the memories of that special day, tuck them away in the pocket of your memories to relive over and over forever. Enjoy today, C. Love ya, girl.

Jen B said...

They certainly leave a last impression, don't they?

Merissa said...

This one year pic is so adorable- but he's the cutest baby ever all of the time! Happy very first b-day MD! I love you so so much! And your mommy too! I almost cried reading this- your love for him is wonderful and how you express it too!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lil Man! Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday! Now just put music to this and it will be GiGi singing you the BD song & you won't even have to listen to how bad the sound is. Thank GOD gave you to my sweet daughter as now I have a 2nd chance in the "baby department". You are that extra heart-beat every morning when I get up. No words will ever be able to express my love for you. When GOD made you HE asked your Grandpa Jeff if there was anything to add & he said "NO" he is perfect just the way YOU made him.

I love you, GiGi

sldrye said...

He is adorable- great pic. Happy Birthday :)

~Kayce said...

He is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Happy Birthday MD! You are blessed!

The Kendricks- Tales From Opossum's World said...

MD is just the cutest thing! He is such a good mix of you and Donnie. I can't imagine how much love you have for them after a year has passed. It seems we only love them more and more everyday. Keep soaking up every minute!!