
Michael Dean's First Birthday!

We sure had a busy (and wonderful!) day, Monday. It started with early wake-up photos with mommy and ended with cake up the nose...

There were plenty of things in between - a big present to unwrap, a new basketball goal to master (which he did), some shots that we won't mention, a trip to Great Clips for his first haircut (with a very hairy sucker), a huge balloon from GiGi, a cake that looked just like Mila, and an extra-special-homemade birthday cake to rip into.

It really was an awesome day. We've come a long way in 1 year, and I love it!

(Make sure you click on the photo above to see it bigger)


Jen B said...

Very cute! In the second picture down on the right, Donnie has the same painful expression that MD does. You'd think she was hurting him!

sldrye said...

Those are great pics and it looks like you had a lot of fun :)

sldrye said...

Those are great pics and it looks like you had a lot of fun :)

Merissa said...

Those are soooooooo good! I can't wait to see you guys! And MD's first little haircut! Hooray for MD!

Anonymous said...

MD has finally grown from "baby" to "LIL MAN". Y R J W T C F Y O G! Didn't think I could do this, huh? Love you, love you, love you! GiGi