

A sweet friend of mine sent me an email forward. Something about time for God. Honestly, I didn't read the email. Sorry Tina, and God - I think. But a quote, buried deep within the email forwards, caught my attention:

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning how to dance in the rain."

I just love it. I love rain. And I love to be in it, only if my hair's not freshly washed of course. But, man how I desire to enjoy "dancing in the rain." Sometimes, OK most of the time, that's really hard to do. But it would make life so much easier if I just could. Maybe someday.


Merissa said...

I hear ya! I haven't gotten there yet either. Can't wait to see you guys on Saturday- yay!

Anonymous said...

You were always the one that tried so hard to find the good in everything and especially the "rain". Remember? It always seemed to have a calming effect on you.....Luv ya, MOM