A few weeks back my mom and I took Michael Dean to my very preggers friend, Sarah's, baby shower. This is before. The after was just MD napping in his bed. Too much cake and cheese danish.
(No Photo Available)
See, this past Friday night we had the rare pleasure of getting together with some friends from my good 'ole Hickory Grove days for dinner - Erin, Sophie & Luke (Nathan was playing golf); Cindy, Heth & Abby; Missy (the 1st MD); Sean, Marianne & Conner; and us. We met at the Carolina Place food court (yah, that was a 1st) in hopes that all the kiddos could handle it. Well, they all did - except for MD. That's why I have no photo. He was on the brink of this nasty cold that daycare gave him, so he was grumpy. And, I didn't have time to pull out my camera. It was really great, though, to see everyone! Love you all...and sorry about my kid :)This past Saturday we went to our friends, Brandon and April's, wedding. It was probably the most well-coordinated wedding I've been to in a while. All of the music was Christian and April chose the song "Agnus Dei" to walk in to. The doors opened just as the chorus got loud at "Holy, holy are you Lord God almighty. Worthy is the lamb..." Breathtaking.
My other very preggers friend, Bethany, at the wedding reception with her husband Matt - who was in the wedding. Baby Jake's due any day now!
Our first picture of just the 2 of us in a while - at the wedding reception! I love you Donnie. Being at a wedding with you makes me want to do it all over again. Well, at least the reception and honeymoon. Not all the planning!
Just a little bigger than last year! (Check it out here - 1st pic)
Michael Dean got this tent at his cousin, Holden's, birthday party back in March. Well, he's finally able to enjoy it! But, Mila enjoys it too - if not even more than MD. "Stay out, Mila!"
It really is hard to get a non-motion picture around the tent. So, this one's rare. It's not blurry.
** And, my best friend turned 30 today!! Happy Birthday, Merissa **
Oh, and I have to go to Chicago this Thursday and Friday for work :( I'm not looking forward to flying away from MD & Donnie - but I have to do it. See, this is an annual meeting of all the Bosch Rexroth web editors and last year they all came to me, in Charlotte, since I was like 10 months pregnant and couldn't fly. OK, only 9 months pregnant. So, I'm off early early Thursday morning and back Friday evening. Please pray for my safety :)
And...Donnie's traveling as well. He's driving to Atlanta Wed, Thurs and Fri with the other pastors of our church (well, not Brandon since he just got married!) I've not mentioned this before because it was only official Oct. 1. Donnie has accepted a part-time position with our church, Rocky River Community, as a Home Groups administrator. We just love our church and feel very blessed that God has opened up this opportunity for Donnie. Anyway, please pray for his safety as well. We'll both miss MD so very much...
So good to hear all that you're up to. Congrats to Donnie on the new position!
Thanks for catching me up on things! What a wonderful opportunity for Donnie! And I'll be thinking about you towards the end of the week...I know how you just love being away from home. I hope MD is feeling better this week. Love you!
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