
His New Thing...

...trying not to smile :)


sldrye said...

I see a smile hiding under there. :)

Anonymous said...

Gotta luv the new ATTITUDE,,,,,,U GO "LIL MAN".......luv ya, nana...ps: it just doesn't get any better than this!!!!!!!

Melanie said...

oh, that is too stinkin' funny!!!! What a cute lil' man!

Merissa said...

Ahh, that's so cute! Ooh, I could just squeeze him!

Anonymous said...

MD with his new "attitude" is just WTCFHOG....which for all you acronym challenged folks, stands for "way to cute for his own good". He knows he is way too cute and has become a real little clown...and I absolutely love it. And yes, as NaNa said above, "it just doesn't get any better than this". I love you Stink!! PopPop