

You know how 40 is the new 30 and pink is the new orange (from a favorite movie of mine) and so on...? Well, I now believe that "well" is the new "sick." I feel like for the past 4 months I've had to answer the question "How's Michael Dean doing?" with "Well, he's sick again." It just never goes away. The runny nose. The cough. The lack of appetite. It's always there. So, I guess that IS the new definition of "well" - runny nose, cough, no food. At least for a while. Don't get me wrong. I stand by my previous post about the ear tubes. Without those I believe MD wouldn't be as "well" as he is.

Oh, and he's finally taken to a hat. Go Kevin Harvick!


Merissa said...

Look at that sweet boy and he's smiling! Sick doesn't look too bad on him!

Bethany said...

Hey! What a BIG boy! Miss seeing you. I think about you often. Life is really busy! Hope to see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Hat or no hat u r still the most beautiful "lil man" a nana can be blessed to have! however now you have HATATTITUDE and not just ATTITUDE.......luv ya, nana

Melanie said...

I love your outlook on things. You make me smile. I hope the "new well" becomes old eventually. Like you, I feel like I'm CONSTANTLY wiping a runny nose!!! I should buy stock in Kleenex.

Courtney said...

Oh, I do buy stock in Puffs Plus. The lotion is a must have for little crusty noses. I buy them in bulk at BJs. In fact, last time I had a BOGO coupon so I came home with 24 family-size boxes of Puffs Plus. It's a great feeling :)