
6' 2" ?

We took Michael Dean to his pediatrician yesterday for his 2-year check-up and here's his stats:

- 37in. tall (97%)
- 31.5lbs. (75%)
- 20.5in. head measurement (95% - I think)

So, if it's true that you can double your height at the age of 2 to get your final height - MD's on the road to being at least 6' 2"! But, really, that doesn't surprise me. I mean look at his mom and paternal grandfather. We're giants! And, daddy's tall, too...

I sure love me some tall boys :)

Oh, and completely off topic - we took MD to his first movie, Ice Age 3, this past Sunday! Our good friends, the Harrells, were taking their 4 boys (2 of which are a 1-year old and a 2.5-year old) so we figured if they could do it, so could we. And, it went really well. We loaded MD up with popcorn, M&Ms, chocolate milk, suckers and Dr. Pepper. So, besides being scared to get off mommy's lap, he had a lot to do with his hands and mouth. Plus, he did watch most of the movie. It was really a lot of fun. It feels like we've opened up a new door in this whole parenting thing - since both Donnie and I are such movie buffs. Now our kid can become one too...


Melanie said...

6'2"??? Wow! Ethan is already 37" and is only 19 months...makes me wonder what kind of tower he'll become...

We should be in Charlotte sometime in August (hopefully). We'll have to get the boys (and girl...) together if we can...

Miss and love ya!

Anonymous said...

LIL MAN U R mak'n Grandpa Jeff PROUD......luv ya, nana

Merissa said...

Oh, his first movie-yay!