
Happy Anniversary to...Us!

So, 4 years ago today Donnie and I made the most important committment of our entire lives...to be with each other forever!

To honor our day, Donnie sent me a beautiful bouquet of red roses at work. Which, of course, is the best place to get flowers because there's so many opportunities to brag...I mean, share in others' joy as they smell that really great rose scent.

Donnie, you are my one and only. You make me laugh so hard and we've both grown to cherish those moments of intense crying and laughter. You make me feel safe and oh so loved. I look forward to seeing you every day (after work, of course, since the mornings are worthless for me) and getting one of your enormous hugs. I can't wait to see you as a great daddy...because you already are an amazing husband.

In the immortal words of Huey Lewis, "I'm happy to be stuck with you."


Melanie said...

Has it really been 4 years??? Gosh, it's hard to believe how time passes. Congrats on the journey so far and I pray that God will bless you TREMENDOUSLY during the next 4, 14, 40, etc...

Love ya, girlie!

christy said...

Happy Anniversary!