
A Few Stories...

Remember this? Yah, I don't either. We've been having laptop issues & I have no new photos to post. Sad. So, here's my sweet little baby before he turned into a big, little boy and here's a few "little boy" stores:

* As MD is getting older he's getting more vocal, independent, adventurous, fun...I could go on forever. Well, one thing he's taught himself to do is blow bubbles. Now, this is really cute when he's sitting in his exersaucer, but with green beans in his mouth, it's not so cute. The other night, he started doing this when I was feeding him his green beans. So, I thought what better time to start using that magical word "No" than now. The next time he decided to blow green bean bubbles I told him "No" in a non-nice-mommy voice. He quickly stopped, looked at me, and after about 3 seconds of stare he brought on the waterworks and just started weeping! I was shocked. This is definitely a first. Is he understanding the word "No" or is he just noticing mommy's no-smile and change of voice? Who knows, but it broke my heart. I stood my ground though and didn't give in and kept up with the "No's." Now, if only grandma could take on this word too...

* Also a few days ago (this past weekend was a big one!) MD decided to roll over in his crib...in the middle of the night. See, he's been sick with a pretty rough head cold so I think his lack of air woke him up and he decided to play. Well, it wasn't enough to just play on his back. He decided to roll. Surprisingly, he actually fell asleep for a bit, but when he woke up he was not a happy camper. He got pretty aggetated and was stuck. So, mommy to the rescue. I quietly tip-toed in, rolled him over and left. Well, that made him even more unhappy. "Mommy came in but didn't get me out!", said MD. "Cry. Cry. Cry. Sniff. Sniff. Cry." Not much air was leaving his nose so I chose to get him up anyway, do a little nose-sucking then we finished the night (about an hour and a half) in the rocker downstairs. Sheesh...I'm soooo glad my baby's a good sleeper because being up, again, in the middle of the night is no fun.

I just love, love, love these new experiences! MD is changing from baby to boy quickly. The size 12-18m coat I just bought him is evidence of that...

1 comment:

Merissa said...

Isn't it just crazy how much they grow and change! Do you have him a bathing suit for summer yet? I've got a few clothing items (that actually still look pretty good after both Plummer boys used them) to give to MD. I hope he's feeling better by now.