
The Tubes Are In!

Michael Dean had his ear tubes surgery this morning. Everything went well and he's back home, upstairs sleeping in his comfy bed.

I'll spare you all the details - but give you a few just to let you know how the morning went! We got to the surgery center at 7:45am and were headed back home at 9:35am. It really went quick. MD was a trooper. He wasn't happy, but really took it like a little man :)

After filling out all the piles of paperwork, they took us back to get MD in his tiny little gown and give him some happy juice. After the magic red liquid took effect, he couldn't stop laughing. It was so dang cute! But we really only got to enjoy giddy MD for about 5 minutes. The nurse came pretty quickly to take him back to the operating room. Then about 10 minutes later we had him back with us!

Everything really did go well. MD seemed to be back to his old self by the time we got home. The only thing, now, is he is sick again. He's been running a 100-ish fever all day and has been in bed since 6:30pm. He's miserable - but the fluid behind his ears is gone. Thank God!

Thanks to everyone who was praying for MD (and us!) We're glad it's over and are hopeful his new tubes will make a huge difference on his life. Oh, and Merry Christmas!

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