
Michael Dean es famoso en América Latina

I posted, recently, about MD doing a small photo shoot for Britax car seats. In case you forgot, scroll down or click here. Well, his sweet little face made it all the way to (somewhere in) Latin America! Mundo Bebe, to be exact. (I found their website, but my high school Spanish is a bit rusty, so I couldn't figure out where exactly they were. Lo siento, Senor Sacco.)

Here's the proof. (Click each one for a bigger photo)

Look real close at just above the 30% off sign, on the right...

...And, there he is!


Jen B said...

Isn't that just crazy?!?

Oh, I wonder where Senor Sacco is these days...remember Kristi's near obsession?

sldrye said...

He is so cute. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey there "Little Hollywood"...aren't you just the "cats meow"....with your adorable little self on a Britax Poster in the front window of the Mundo Bebe store somewhere in Latin America?!?! You go little man....and when you learn to write, I want your autograph, OK?! I love you...LOTS...PopPop

Anonymous said...

O.K.,,,here "LIL MAN" goes again. It's about time someone recognized you are the most beautiful LITTLE BOY in the world but now you are on your way.....Ha, ha, ha....But MEXICO,,that's o.k. it's a start! Just another career opportunity. No, not poster baby but AMERICAN DIPLOMAT!!!!!!So many decisions to makes, what will "HE" do....You go get'm...who know's just maybe NaNa will be the "1st Grandma" to the White House. I'm packed and ready to go. Luv ya, NaNa