
Summertime Fun

Date night with the hubby. I chose the movie and he chose the restaurant. So we saw The Proposal (very cute!) and ate at Steak 'n Shake. It was a great night.

Michael Dean helped daddy do a little yard work...

...then decided to have some water hose fun!

Nana and MD blowing up his new toy - from Nana

Fun in the new toy. It really is a very cool bouncy thing. MD likes to get in those kiddy bouncy houses, but hates when bigger kids (or daddy) bounce him too high. So, this is perfect. His own little bouncy house - with no roof!

OK, is he not the most beautiful kid you've ever seen? I know, I'm a bit biased :)


Anonymous said...

He's pretty cute!!

SB :)

Anonymous said...

He's pretty cute!!

SB :)

Anonymous said...

WOW, NaNa did it again,,,,,made a HUGE hit w/my boy! YES, HE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LIL MAN IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD but of course, I would say that because I'm his NANA! Luv ya, NANA

Merissa said...

Cool, that bouncy thing looks like fun! And yep, he's is pretty darn cute! I'm glad you had a fun date night and I am looking forward to seeing that movie- maybe next week while my mom is here. Love you!

Melanie said...

He is pretty cute, but you wouldn't want me to go any farther than that since I have my own biases!!! Looks like life has been fun!!! Summertime is great...except for the heat! :-)