
Special Treat

Any of you parents out there have, I'm sure, learned about the power of bribery. That's such a negative word, isn't it? But, if a small bag of M&M's can get us through a grueling Wal-Mart trip or a tiny, orange gumball can ward off those ravenous hunger attacks before dinner - then I'm in!

Michael Dean's Papa (Donnie's dad) gave him this cool little gumball machine (like the one in the picture) the last time he stayed with them and it's provided many "special treats" since then. The coolest thing to me, though, is seeing my sweet little 2 1/2 year old boy chew gum like a big boy. Maybe it's because I was raised on sweets and trips to the candy aisle in Sam's, but it makes my heart smile to see my son enjoy such a small, sweet treat. And, sorry to MD's future dentist. We just can't help it.

(Oh, and is anyone else's nose and eyes about to itch off their face? Ugh! Allergies, gotta love 'em...)


Jen B said...

We have a little gum ball machine too, which Evan loves. And yes, my eyes are itching and when I breath in, my lungs are actually itching. Ugh.

Jen B said...

sorry...that should be breathe.

Courtney said...

You know, I actually think Claritin (or the CVS-brand!) is helping. I'm not scratching as much...

Merissa said...

I'm sneezing more- imagine that! And I remember the big gumball machine you guys had at your house growing up- I thought that was so cool, amongst other things at your house and with your family!