
New House, New Experiences

I'm learning that with a 2-year old "helping" it takes quite a while to unpack and get settled in a new house. Even though the inside is taking a while, we have quickly settled into the outside of our new home.

We've met lots of our new neighbors (of which most have kids and dogs!) We've christened our driveway with lots of chalk drawings. We've learned that opening and closing the garage door is a very exciting activity that gets us (MD) out the door. We successfully made it through our first garage sale (and got a new tree and some plants for our front yard because of it.) We are now proud owners of a John Deere. We've had lots of "patio" dinners (Spring is a great time to move into a new house, btw!) We've had Nana, Aunt Jonda and Uncle Joey walk to our house. Honestly, I could go on and on.

But, strangely, one of the coolest (no pun intended) things we've experienced so far is the ice cream truck. Man, I have such fond memories of those things growing up. Hearing that now-creepy music coming down the street meant that a sweet treat was coming my way. And I want MD to experience that exact same thing. So, even though it was dinner time (what in the world was that icream lady thinking?!) we had to indulge in an ice cream sandwich and a SpongeBob popsicle - complete with gumball eyes. What a great memory.


Merissa said...

That shot is great w/ it dripping all down his hand!!! And again, it was wonderful to spend time with you guys! Love you!

sldrye said...

sounds like you guys are getting settled in and enjoying it there, that is great :) :) love the ice cream truck too

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you guys are settling in and enjoying your new new place and neighborhood! I love special treats that break from your normal days..like ice cream before dinner :) That's the stuff you will all remember!


Melanie said...

I totally love MD's smile in that last pick! And I love the messyness of the first pick. I would have been wiping it all up! The picture made me realize that sometimes you just have to let kids be kids! Love you!

Courtney said...

Oh, believe me. About 5 seconds after I took this pic I was rushing inside to get a wet washcloth! I tried, though...