
Uptown Boy

This past Sunday my mom and I had the grand idea to head uptown to Discovery Place for the afternoon. See, they were having a FREE day (for a whopping 5 hours) to celebrate their new renovations. We figured it would be crowded, but we had NO idea just how crowded it would be. The line was wrapped around the building. Seriously. We asked a mom near the front of the line how long she'd been waiting. She looked at her watch and said for about an hour and a half the line had been moving pretty well. But they had been stuck in their current position for an hour. That's 2 1/2 hours, folks! Seriously, I can't even get my kid to play cars with me for 5 minutes without him getting distracted. I don't know how all those parents did it with their little ones in 100+ degree weather.

Needless to say, we didn't wait. This was only the 2nd time Michael Dean had been uptown (the first time was for a birthday party in a men's salon!) so we tried to make the most of it and just played in all the (working) water fountains. It did turn out to be a fun time!

Just a little touch


Well, at least mom is smiling. (All the people had MD quite intrigued.)

Making a wish


Anonymous said...

I saw that Discovery Place was doing that free afternoon (like they couldn't open up in the mornings?) but it was going to interfer with naptime and I try not to let anything do that! It stinks that you didn't get in but I'm sure the water fountains were a good time!

Sarah :)

Merissa said...

OH girl, I wouldn't wait in that line either! Hats off to ya for trying though!