OK, so a few of you have asked for the whole story from my last post. Well, I'll try really hard to give the consensed story here. So, enjoy...I sure didn't!
Two weeks ago Donnie had 2 days worth of Realtor meetings to go to at the
Grove Park Inn in Asheville. So, I decided to take a few days off of work, grab Michael Dean and go with him. Big mistake.
The trip started off on the wrong foot, with no help from me. I had to finish packing that morning and we had to leave before MD's breakfast so I had planned on feeding him in the car. Well, the minute we got in the car he started to fuss. So, we pulled over and I got in the back seat to feed him - only to find out my stomach was a little too queasy to do that - in Charlotte traffic. I have a huge fear of traffic (I'm trying to find the official word for it. There's got to be one!) so my anxiety kicked in. We had to pull over again and a frustrated Donnie got in the back seat to feed MD.
We got to Asheville only to find that our key was stuck in the ignition. We had no idea why and Donnie had to get to his first meeting so we just took off our keyless entry thing and went on our way. The rooms weren't ready for us yet so I was stuck just hanging out in the lobby. I fed MD his lunch and headed out to visit my good friend,
Erin. I took MD's pack 'n play in hopes he'd take a nap (he'd only slept about 20 minutes the whole day so far). Well, didn't happen. He freaked out, got stuck standing a few times (
see earlier post!) and wouldn't settle down enough to sleep. So, again, no nap for MD.
We got back to the Inn in just enough time to quickly say Hi to Donnie then send him off again. See, we (MD and me) weren't invited to any of his meals so we were on our own. Well, by this time it was about 7:30pm and MD's bedtime is normally 8:15pm so I didn't have time to get myself dinner. So, I ordered a $14 BLT and fries from room service only to find, after I got my receipt, that it really cost $23 - after a service charge, delivery charge and my tip that I stupidly gave the nice man. (Note to self - ALWAYS look at the receipt first before tipping. It's probably already on there. Shame on you Grove Park.) Anyway, MD and I sat on the floor and ate. That was kinda nice. He had fun crawling all over the tray and playing with the really cute, mini ketchup and mustard bottles.
Donnie got back around 8:30pm so we hung out a bit and went to bed around 9pm. Since I found out earlier that day that the pack 'n play wouldn't work, I had a crib brought to our room. So, when I put MD in for the night, he freaked out again. I had to give him his paci (which we DON'T do at night) and stand with my hand on his chest 'til he fell asleep, or so I thought. I was up and down at his crib about 4 times that night - 9pm, 9:30pm, 5am, 6am, 6:30am. Not pretty. Not much sleeping for us.
Anyway, sheesh - this is getting way too long. OK, I'll really try to shorten the rest....
Donnie went off to breakfast and meetings. I had 2 pop tarts for breakfast, at the Grove freaking Park Inn. Tried to load up car - parked very far away - but couldn't get in because deader than a doorknob. Hauled everything back to our room - up hill - for real, not like your grandpa always used to say. Called the Chevy place. Found out key had drained battery. Got MD to nap for about 30 minutes. Went to valet guys to beg for help. Scheduled locksmith to come and break into my car. Stuck in lobby again. Met locksmith at car. Paid a lot of $ to get in and charge battery enough to get to Wal-Mart. Donnie finally done with meetings and gave me his box lunch. Very sweet, btw! Drove to Wal-Mart. Found out had 2 hour wait. Waited. Ate lunch. Waited some more. Paid a lot for new battery. Key got stuck again. Thought new battery would fix it. Didn't. Drove home. MD only slept 30 mins.
Finally home - BUT - Impala was in shop for a week. Had to borrow nephew's car. Only had 1 car seat - big challenge. Got car back and paid a heck of a lot of money (
see earlier post!). And, that's it.
Whew! Needless to say, we decided to make our family trip to Ohio later this month a daddy-do-it-alone trip. Way too traumatic to try it again this soon. Let MD get a little older...and then we're off to Disney World!
Speaking of MD...